Justice without Barriers
Independent Mindedness
Dedication to duty
Q1. What is RivCoMiS?
The acronym ‘’RivCoMiS’’ stands for; Rivers State Court Management Information System, that enables the State Judiciary and other relevant stakeholders find a one-stop-shop for all relevant administrative activities as it relates to Judiciary arm of government in all LGAs of the State. Hence, it caters for:
Registration and verification of practicing lawyers
Registration and verification of state prosecutors
E-filing of cases, appeals and interlocutory applications
Case management
Online reporting of court proceedings
Online processing of applications, affidavits and administrative processes
Ware-housing and archiving of case files
And lots more
Q2. Why RivCoMiS project?
The manual system is characterised by:
Duplications of suit numbers.
Hand written documentation and manually created files.
Manual transfer of documents from one person to the other through the registries.
High case processing times and case backlogs.
Manual payments and receipts for court processes, which may result in fraudulent activities.
Delays in court processes.
Manual financial reconciliation.
Inconsistent reporting at various levels.
Loss of documentation during processing.
All these lead to poor turnaround time on the adjudication of cases, thus affecting justice delivery. In this vein, most administrative activities carried out in the judiciary and our courts will therefore be digitized to support:
easy access
cost optimisation
eliminate or reduce barriers caused by existing manual processes and procedures such as:
location, storage and security
non- compliance to policies and regulations
Compromising court workers due to high human interface and interaction with lawyers and public citizens.
Q3. Is the RivCoMiS System State-Wide?
Yes. The Judicial Service started the Rivers State Court Management Information System (RivCoMiS) with Port Harcourt Division/District of the High and Magistrate court and gradually incorporated other divisions/districts in the state.
However there is a plan to roll out the RivCoMiS project to the Customary Court.
Q4. How will filing be done within the RivCoMiS environment?
Filing will/can be done in two ways:
Online filing at the comfort of your home/office using the RivCoMiS portal (https://rivcomis.riversstate.gov.ng)
Those who walk into the Court complex can also get their documents filed at the Judiciary ICT centre via online.
Q5. How will payment be made?
Payment will be made using the online portal which accepts payment for the following instruments:
Debit/Credit Cards
Bank App Transfer
Court Users can make payments for documents filed with the various payment platforms.
Q6. How does RivCoMiS function?
RivCoMiS simply provides the electronic platform for process filing, process service, fee assessment and online payment, automated allocation of cases to Court/Judges, Judges’ calendar management and the execution of court decisions for all cases, causes and matters filed in the Registries of the Court interface with the Direct Transcription System* for the digitization of courtroom proceeding and transcriptions.
Q7. Who can access the RivCoMiS portal?
All external users of the justice delivery system can access the portal. They include:
State Judiciary:
Registrars of Courts
Legal Assistant
Registry Registrars
Ministry of Justices:
State Prosecutors
Attorney General
The staffs
3) Court Of Appeal
4) Industrial court
5) Government /Non-Governmental Agencies:
Legal Aid Council
Police, Dss
6) Private Law Firm:
7) Officers of Institutions involved in Criminal Justice System
8) Private Citizens
Q8. How can one access the RivCoMiS portal?
First, you must be a registered user. Then you can access the portal through the RivCoMiS url/website by using https://rivcomis.riversstate.gov.ng.
Q9. What criteria must be met to access the RivCoMiS portal?
For legal practitioners, one is required to have a functioning legal email address (i.e your ‘name@nigerianbar.ng’), your seal, signature and any valid ID card. WHILE
A private citizens and other users of RivCoMiS is required to have an official, functioning email address which is needed to complete the portal registration for username and password.
Q10. What is Legal mail?
A Legal mail is an official email issued by the Supreme Court of Nigeria to all practicing Lawyers nationwide. It is a requirement that processes intended to be filed are accompanied with your legal mail. To activate your legal mail please visit any NBA House.
Q11. Do I have to pay money to gain access to the RivCoMiS portal?
No. Access to the RivCoMiS portal comes at no cost.
All that one is required to submit is any valid Identity card, alongside the following details for registration*
Physical address
Mobile number
Legal mail/email address
Solicitor’s and Chamber licences in the case of Lawyers and
Q12. If one does not have the tools to access RivCoMiS platform, what should he/she do?
The River State Judiciary ICT Centre is licenced, and equipped with all the requisite logistics and training to offer e-services to those who do not have the tools to access the RivCoMiS services.
Q13. What happens to the system when power is interrupted?
The Judiciary Court Complex already has in place a generator set that is sufficient to support the entire building’s electrical installations. Also available is an AVR (automatic voltage regulator) to stabilize and filter power that comes into the building. And all Judges/Magistrates and Registrars are equipped with Laptops to resolve the issue of power interruption.
Q14. What will happen to existing manually filed cases?
All active cases from 2015 to date will be digitized (scanned) and uploaded onto the system gradually. All cases that do not fall within this category (i.e. inactive cases or active cases older than six years) will only be scanned and uploaded if and when they are re-listed or activated.
Q15. Can someone request for documents such as Judgements or Proceedings through the system?
Yes. The Case Management System through its portal allows authorised users to access and make requests for documents such as Certified Proceedings, Judgements and Rulings etc.
Q16. Can someone file a case during odd hours i.e. after working hours and on weekends?
Yes. One can file a case even after working hours and during odd times, the assessment staffs worked round the clock even on a public holidays.
Q17. Will the system be able to do electronic service?
Yes the system is provisioned to do electronic service.
During the registration, functioning legal mail addresses and mobile numbers are needed for such purposes. After the first service is done manually by the Bailiff to the defendant/respondent to respond via the platform, any other filing done using the suit number, all parties involve gets a notification via their legal mail and is able to see the document filed.
Q18. Will Lawyers be able to do electronic service by themselves?
Yes, the law is being amended to enable Lawyers serve their own processes on the platform to other parties.
Q19. Does the system enable one to file a complaint?
Yes, there is a complaint module on the portal that allows prosecutors to submit their summons/warrant from a Magistrate on a particular case.
This makes it possible for complaints to be forwarded electronically to the offices of the registrars at the Court Complex, Assistant Chief Registrar, Chief Registrar, and court for redress.
Q20. Can one obtain certified documents through system without necessarily walking to the Court?
Yes. The portal has a module that enables Court Users to request for certified Court documents which submitted to them via their RivComis account after necessary payments have been made.
Q21. How fast can one get his/her matter filed using the portal?
Within an hour. All matters filed/and documents submitted will be sent to the registry staff for assessment after which a bill for payment.
Q22. Will Judges/Magistrates be able to issue out orders from their homes?
Yes. Judges will be able to work outside the Court but within the framework of the rules of Court. This is a web-enabled application which ensures access outside the office.
Q23. How secure is the system?
There are three levels of security within the e-Justice system. These are: Data Security, User Access Control and User Authorization. Its detailed audit trail keeps track of every activity or action taken within it.
Q24. Will the system prevent corruption within the Service?
Yes. The system would ensure transparency and also limit the human interface between the Court staff and the Court Users.
Notifications are sent to the legal mail of the account used anytime an action is carried out on the matter filed.
Q25. How different is the RivCoMiS from the manual system?
The manual system is characterized by
Duplication of suit numbers.
Hand written documentation and manually created files.
Manual transfer of documents from one person to the other through the registries, which leads to delays.
High case processing times and case backings.
Manual payments and receipts for court processes, which may result in fraudulent activities.
Delays in court appearances.
Manual financial reconciliation.
Inconsistent reporting at various levels.
Loss of documentation during processing.
RivCoMiS platform provides automation in the following areas:
Convenient and easy ways (steps) to file cases, Access case and make payments. (You can file cases and make payments anywhere, anytime online at the comfort of your home/office).
Easy Ways to apply and make payments online for e-affidavit anywhere, anytime without going to the court.
Automated calendar and scheduling system for effective scheduling of case hearing and court room sitting.
Online notification and communication platform for effective communication between the court and stakeholders.
Courtroom Records of Proceedings.
e-Receipts for all payments and transactions.
e-Notifications and e-Service of processes.
Central and relational databases for easy reporting and tracking of cases
Remote court hearings
Improved Operational Efficiency
It’s timely and transparent justice administration, such as;
More reliable ways to track and manage cases.
Eliminates challenges due to storage and retrieval of case files and associated documentation in the courts.
Easy Access of retrieval of courtroom record of Proceedings both Past and Present cases anytime, anywhere.
Electronic notifications on Court activities, thereby keeping legal practitioners abreast of the status of their cases.
Unique generation of suit numbers, thereby solving the duplication of suit numbers, which is characteristic of the manual recording process.
Timely and automated assignment of cases to registrars & judges using work-loads algorithm
Automated and integrated calendar and cause lists to alert on deadlines
Easy reporting for decision making in case assignment, etc.
Easy retrieval of case records
Improved security of case related information.
Q26. What do I need to file a case?
It is a requirement that one obtains a RivCoMiS account. This is easily acquired via the RivCoMiS platform (https://rivcomis.riversstate.gov.ng) a functioning legal mail, Signature, Lawyer’s Seal and valid ID card (in JPG format), full name, mobile number, and physical address, etc. is needed for the registration.
Q27. How do I file a case electronically? Can I file multiple cases?
To file a case electronically, one must access the e-portal (https://rivcomis.riversstate.gov.ng) using their username and password.
There is no limit to the number of cases one can file using the e-portal platform.
Q28. How do I track a case?
Case status is readily made available on all cases using the portal.
However, for any change in a case status; a notification is immediately sent to all parties involved in the case to inform them of the new status, this is done through email notification.
Q29. How transparent and accountable is the RivCoMiS system?
One can readily check the status of a case status from the portal to know the progress of the case. Again a notification is sent to parties involved anytime a process is filed on the case, putting all parties on same “page”.
NB: The Defendant party(ies) gets a notification only when they have replied the suit against them via the platform.
Q30. If I am not represented by a Lawyer, how do I access the system?
You can access the system through the Service* firms licenced by the Judicial Service.
But for * Court Users, one must get registered for a * Business Partner Number (BP ID) which * requirement for all transactions within the * system.
Q31. Are Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries Public catered for in the RivCoMiS system?
Yes. Documents sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public are part of the scope of the project.
Process Oaths documents would be digitised and uploaded onto the RivCoMiS platform along with other court processes for assessment.
Except for general affidavits that are to be done using the templates provided on the platform.
Q32. How does the system serve minority interest? E.g. the visually impaired?
At the moment, it does not serve minority interest but any accessibility programme for the visually impaired can interface with the portal application just like accessing any other online resource.
Q33. How do I get copies of Judgements/Rulings?
Request for copies of certified documents can be done through the platform, the applicant is required to make payment online, attach payment receipt with the application to the registry for stamping and certification.
The requested document will be sent to the user through the platform, after document(s) has been prepared.
Q34. How sustainable is the RivCoMiS project/system?
The Judicial Service has put in place the requisite logistics needed to ensure a smooth running of the programme.
Q38. How is a real Court sitting managed under RivCoMiS?
The Judges/Magistrates and Registrars of Court are equipped with laptops and internet service to enable them have access the portal for easy reference.
The recording of activities within the Court room is done electronically in the system.
Parties are notified electronically on the action of the day of the court.
Q39. If I do not have a computer and cannot access the internet, how do I access RivCoMiS?
The Judiciary Service has set up an ICT centre in the court complex for lawyers and other users without computer and internet to go in and do their filing and check case updates.
Q40. If I encounter any problem using the system what do I do?
The Judicial Service has set up a Help Desk at the Court Complex. The contact details of the Help Desk are:
Telephone: 08132463315 or 08135267712
E-mail: rivcomis@riversstate.gov.ng
website: https://rivcomis.riversstate.gov.ng
Last updated
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